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Sr. No. Title Date Download
71 Vivad se Vishwas II (Contractual Disputes) Extension  (1.33 MB)
72 Quality-cum-Cost Based Selection (QCBS) Method in Procurement of Works and Non-Consultancy Services (NCS).  (9.72 MB)
73 Uploading/Sharing of Contract Award details on electronic Portals  (578.11 KB)
74 Participation of demerged entities in public procurement opportunities.  (73.6 KB)
75 Restrictions on procurement from bidders from a country or countries or class or countries on grounds of defence of India  (57.24 KB)
76 Vivad se Vishwas I (VsV I) Relief for MSMEs  (2.14 MB)
77 Minimum Floor price for minimum wage based Manpower Outsourcing Service  (213.65 KB)
78 Vivad Se Vishwas I - Relief for MSMES - Inclusion of Earning Contracts  (413.27 KB)
79 Vivad Se Vishwas I - Relief for MSMEs -Amendments  (626.97 KB)
80 Training Programs on Public Procurement for Government officers at Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI), Hyderabad  (2.85 MB)