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Sr. No. Title Date Download
871 Grant of Conveyance Allowance/Transport Allownce to blind and Orthopaedically handicapped Central Government employees  (108.4 KB)
872 Admissibility to travel by Tejas Express Trains on Official Tour  (87.72 KB)
873 Travelling Allowance on transfer to/from North-Eastern Region, Union Territories of Andaman & Nicobar, Lakshadweep Islands and Ladakh - in respect of Central Government employees  (63.31 KB)
874 Concessions to person re-employed in Central Government service – Payment of Travelling Allowance  (959.84 KB)
875 Admissibility of Composite Transfer Grant (CTG) on Retirement  (397.04 KB)
876 Time limit for submission of claims for Travelling Allowance on Retirement  (403.27 KB)
877 Travelling Allowance Rules - production of receipts/vouchers for reimbursement of Travelling charges for travel within the city admissible under Daily Allowance on tour  (116.85 KB)
878 Travelling Allowance rules - Submission of Boarding Pass alongwith TA bills.  (52.42 KB)
879 Time-limit for submission of claims for Travelling Allowances  (1023.63 KB)
880 Travelling Allowance Rules - Implementation of the Recommendations of the Seventh CPC  (473.74 KB)