- Liveries for staff car drivers and MTS employees.
- Identity Cards and Temporary passes.
- Maintenance of Conference Room No. 72 and Fresco Room (Room No. 169-D).
- Staff Car/ Scooters-purchase, maintenance and use of staff cars.
- Purchase, maintenance and issue of office equipments like Computers, Printers, Fax machines, duplicating machines, photocopiers, Calculators, ACs, Furniture items, Heaters, Briefcases, Callbells, Air Purifiers etc.
- Stationery articles (a) Local Purchase (b) Issue of those items.
- Printing works & Binding works.
- Stamps (Rubber & others) and brass seals & name plates.
- Payments of refreshment bills of official meetings.
- Preparation of budget estimates, revised estimates, relating to “Office Expenses” and “IT-OE”.
- Issue of "NO DEMAND" certificate
- Electrical items like Fluorescent tubes, Bulbs, Table Lamps, Table fans, Emergency lights etc.
- Printing of Directory of Ministry of Finance.
- Payments for Book/ Periodicals / Newspapers of Reference Library.
- Telephones/Inter-com installation, Disconnection and payments of bills.
- Reimbursement of news-paper bills of the officers.
- Swachhta Action Plan in respect of Departm
- Swachhta Action Plan in respect of Department of Expenditure.
- RTI Matters relating to above subjects.