क्रमांक | शीर्षक | तारीख | डाउनलोड |
31 | Amendment in General Financial Rules 2017 - Acceptance of electronic Bank Guarantee | (488.77 KB) | |
32 | Corrigendum - Updated Manual for Procurement of Works | (178.24 KB) | |
33 | Seeking inputs from stakeholders on Draft Model Tender Documents for procurement of Consultancy Services | (1.03 MB) | |
34 | Manual for Procurement of Goods | (5.13 MB) | |
35 | Manual for Procurement of Consultancy & Other Services | (4.26 MB) | |
36 | Manual for Procurement of Works | (4.03 MB) | |
37 | Relaxation on Global Tender Enquiry under Rule 161 iv of General Financial Rules for procurement of Medical Devices | (2.27 MB) | |
38 | Withdrawal of offer by L1 - Amendment to Manual for Procurement of Goods, 2017 and Manual for Procurement of Works, 2019 | (447.85 KB) | |
39 | Amendment to General Financial Rules 2017 to include stagewise return of Bid Security / Earnest Money Deposit to bidders in the tendering process | (324.34 KB) | |
40 | Amendment to General Financial Rules 2017 to include Insurance Surety Bonds as Security Instrument | (482.86 KB) |